tirsdag 2. mars 2010

Overtid, møter og tett program.

DAG 2 Dagen i dag bel litt anderledes, jeg skulle jobbe hele dagen, ha en del møter og ikke komme hjem før sent. Smoothie og frokostblanding til frokost, men egentlig er det litt mye å ta begge dele merker jeg for meg, så i morgen er det enten eller. Men for barn, som Lucas kan han godt få litt av det ene og det andre ;-) Lunsjen ble middags rester fra i går, et eple og en appelsin. Så var det et par møter hvor det ble litt salt chips,gulerøtter og bananer. Når jeg selv står for innkjøpet er det bra, så da er det lettere å ha kontrollen og holde skuta på rett vei.... Middag på meg ble rester av himmelsk god grøt med kokoskrem fra boka til Thorbjørg Hafsteinsdottir, Spis deg yngre. den er utrolig god og spesielt kokoskremen. Mmmmmmmmmm.... :-) Da jeg akkurat kom hjem etter en lang dag var jeg litt små sulten og laget da en Amazing avokado smoothie, nydelig. Må bare nytes. Så var det de andre da Lucas fikk desverre pølser på bål ( God opplevelse og stemning hjelper litt) på skolen, og spiste middag hos en kompis. Kvelds ble brød og melk. Stig tok også middagsrester. Når det gjelder trening i dag for min del, startet jeg dagen med å sette meg fast med bilen, og måtte ha hjelp fra nest nærmeste bonde. Lot bilen stå hele dagen og kvelden på jobb og gikk til og fra møter. Lite er bedre enn ingenting :-) Lucas hadde skidag på skolen, pluss turn og Stig gikk/jogget en liten time med George. SYNES VI ER FLINKE JEG :-)

Se denne mailen jeg fikk i dag :-)
March 2010

Make Exercise Fun

Exercise is a key component for reducing stress and restoring your sanity and living a high quality life. You can't expect to be healthy if you're sedentary. In case you need some encouragement, did you know that people who exercise regularly get sick less frequently and experience less depression, anxiety and fatigue?

They have fewer weight problems and in general have a more positive outlook on life. Did you know that regular exercise also slows the aging process and helps you to not only look, but, feel younger. Did you know that exercise is a great stress reducer? People who are physically fit say that regular exercise is the most important thing they've ever done to enhance their life. We have to move our body on a regular basis in order to maintain our health and sense of well-being.

Incredibly, many of us think nothing of spending hours researching and then days or weeks shopping for a new car or an appliance for our homes. But we find it difficult to carve out 30 minutes a day to do something that will improve our health. You need to get your priorities straight. Don't wait until you get a wake-up call in the form of an illness to begin to take care of your body. Make exercise an unshakable priority.
If you're a confirmed couch potato, it's not too late to change. In fact, it's essential that you develop a new relationship with your body. Not only will regular exercise improve your health, but you'll also feel better and look better.

If, like many of us, you need variety to keep you engaged in exercise you may want to try a combination of walking and weight training, or jogging, swimming, biking, or a samba class. Do what you can do on a consistent basis. But do something.

Another way to stay motivated and exercise regularly is to reconnect with what you loved to do as a kid. Remember how active we once were? It wasn't that we had to make ourselves do something. Most of us rode bikes, played softball, were cheerleaders, we took ballet or tap lessons. We climbed trees, ran around with our friends, skied, swam, rode horses, played basketball, jumped rope. We were just naturally active. Why not resurrect one of your favorite childhood activities? Join a softball team, take ski lessons, sign up for ballet, join a tennis team, go roller blading with your kids or take a spinning class. Whatever you decide to do, do something that is fun and involves moving your body.

When you're pressed for time, walk. It's almost become a foreign concept in our fast paced culture. We've become so attached to our cars that we rarely walk. But walking is a great form of exercise and can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Walking helps you clear your mind, fills your lungs with fresh air, gets your blood moving and centers you. You'll be amazed at what you'll learn when you walk through your neighborhood or around your office park. If you live within walking distance of your local market, leave your car in the driveway and walk, walk to the post office, walk to pick your kids from school. Take a walk with your family or spouse after dinner. Think about where can you walk to from where you live.

Finally, if you're a confirmed couch potato, it's not too late to change. In fact, it's essential that you develop a new relationship with your body. Not only will regular exercise improve your health, but, you'll feel better and look better. Think of regular exercise as an investment in your long-term health and well-being. A few minutes a day of some simple exercise will be extremely beneficial not only physically but mentally as well. As you incorporate exercise into your life you will experience more energy, as well as other physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

Stephanie Marston, MFT

The Balancing Act Newsletter

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